Our Local offer
How our setting knows if young children need extra help & what our parents/carers should do if they think their child may have SEND
On starting at our preschool we have an informal meeting with parents to establish a baseline off their child. We carry out a regular observation of the children using a keyworker system, we complete two-year-old progress checks with parents, and we hold termly parent consultations where any concerns can be raised. We also have daily feedback and are available to speak if a parent would like to, as we have an open-door policy to which we always try our best to adhere to. If for the unlikely reason it cannot be achieved immediately we will arrange a suitable time ASAP as this is important to us. We have implemented One Page Profiles which is a document specially designed to cover all areas specifically about the individual child what their likes and dislikes are and how best to support them.
How our setting supports young children with SEND
We are highly committed to supporting our SEND children. We use several means of resources these include our own SENCO (special educational need coordinator) and area SENCO. Every child is linked to a key worker in our setting who will observe the child on a daily basis and provide the appropriate resources best suited for the child’s next step. Using our observations which cover the seven areas of learning from the EYFS, we can clearly identify if a child has any additional needs.
We have good links with health visitors who visit us regularly. We will also support the child with other outside agencies e.g. health visitors, nursery nurses, educational psychologists, specialist teachers, occupational therapy, speech therapists and the local children’s centres.
We listen to the child engaging their opinion, likes and dislikes. We have opportunities for the children to engage one to one with their key workers and small group time. All information is communicated throughout the team so that all staff members are able to provide the best support for your child.
We regularly review our processes and ask for feedback from our parents, and whether they are happy with the services provided.
How our setting creates learning and development opportunities for individual children with SEND
In our setting, all children are individual and unique. When a child starts with us we complete an ‘all about me’ form with the parents and the child is allocated a key person. When the child has been with us for half a term, we are able to establish a baseline and identify any concerns about what is the best progression for each individual child.
Therefore our planning is designed for producing each child’s next steps. These are aimed to aid further development of their milestones throughout the EY outcomes.
How our setting works in partnership with parents/carers
We at Buzzee Beez Preschool complete a learning journal with the children and these are available to view at any time. We hold regular parental consultations where you can view the journals and also an opportunity to have a conversation about how your child is doing.
Throughout the term, every child is given the opportunity to take home a book from the library or one of our home packs to share with their family. We also invite the family to join in with ‘stay and play sessions.
Each child is allocated a key person and if any SEND support is identified, this will be discussed with the parents, then between us, we decide on the best approach for the child. We identify which other professionals would be best to support the child and family. Once the process has begun we would review the situation with regular meetings called ‘Team around the child’ or Core group meetings. This is where everyone involved with the child (including the parents) can meet at the same time and discuss the plan and next steps.
Also, the Pre School SENCO, along with the manager will provide support together with parents, your child’s key person and the SENCO will make specific plans focused on your child’s area of need, which will then be discussed in meetings with parents.
How setting supports the well being of young children with SEND
All our staff have knowledge of paediatric first aid and the appropriately qualified staff will administer any prescribed medication with parental consent which is always witnessed by another qualified staff member. The preschool has risk assessments for all areas of the building including outside, kitchen, toilet areas and COSH assessment completed.
We use picture signs and Makaton signs to aid all children with their communication. We reward the children with daily stickers and WOW vouchers. Staff training and experience in supporting young children with SEND. All main staff hold relevant childcare qualifications and other staff are working towards completing their childcare qualifications. All staff have covered basic safeguarding, first aid, health and safety and autism awareness training.
The manager holds designated safeguarding training and health and safety level 3, also 21 years of experience working with children. Other management staff have covered level 2 safeguarding, EAL (English as an additional language), food hygiene and behaviour support.
Our SENCO has covered training on behaviour support, autism awareness and many online and face to face training.
We have a designated Autism lead person and qualified ENCO (equality named coordinator)
All staff will keep up to date with current legislation working towards their own CPD.
Specialist services and expertise accessed by our setting
We work closely with many outside agencies e.g. Area SENCO, Health visitors, children’s centres and family support workers, Specialist teachers, physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, social care, family solutions and many more.
How our setting includes young children with SEND in community-based activities and outings
We send out regular newsletters and welcome parental volunteers in our preschool. We have a suggestion box on our parent table for any planning. We visit our local children's centre and schools. All risk assessments are carried out beforehand and any adjustments are made so all children are included equally.
Our accessible environment
We have carried out an accessible audit which resulted in ramps leading to the building, appropriate chairs for the children and child height tables available for activities. We also have many different toileting aids for all children to use.
We have many visual supports around the preschool to aid children and parents. Letters are often translated for parents whose first language is not English, also we use home communication so we are able to communicate through grandparents whose first language is not English and if the child is picked up by child-minders. This way the parents are still very involved. We have a visual timetable so that the children know what to expect next and this is also replicated with picture key rings, that each staff member has on them at all times.
How our setting prepares and supports young children with SEND when joining the setting and when transferring to another school
When your child joins us at Buzzee Beez we gather as much information as possible so that we get to know your child well before starting. We allocate a key person as soon as possible so that your child has someone to bond with. Visual timetables and a pre-visit are arranged before starting. We work closely with children and parents to ease the child’s start with us and respect the parent’s opinion, as you know your child best. When your child moves on to school, we arrange visits to the school and visits from the teachers where possible. We use picture books made up of the local schools, which we use to have conversations of what to expect when moving on. We also have many forms of school uniform and have practice sessions for changing for PE and holding a dinner tray.