Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator

We are highly committed to supporting our SEND children. We use several means of resources these include our own SENDCo (special educational need coordinator) and our Inclusion partners.
Our Preschool SENCo's are Kelly Stallwood and Gaynor Baker.
Every child is linked to a key worker in our setting who will observe the child daily and provide the appropriate resources best suited for the child’s next step. Using our observations covering the seven learning areas from the EYFS, we can clearly identify if a child has any additional needs.
We have good links with health visitors who visit us regularly. We will also support the child with other outside agencies e.g. health visitors, nursery nurses, educational psychologists, specialist teachers, occupational therapy, speech therapists and the local children’s centres.
We listen to the child engaging in their opinion, likes and dislikes. We have opportunities for the children to engage one-to-one with their key workers and small group time. All information is communicated throughout the team so all staff members can provide the best support for your child.
We regularly review our processes and ask for feedback from our parents, and whether they are happy with the services provided.
Please see our local offer for further information and our SEND page